Monday, May 26, 2008

an ode

warm smell
warm sweet smell
of afternoon, of slanting sunlight,
beautiful moment, I breathe deeply, fill my nostrils, savor

light and soft
under my arm
nestled neatly in the nook between
my shoulder and my elbow,
as though it were always, forever
meant to be
written in the stars

open breathe
again, deeply
jealously guarding the seductive scent,
my treasure
mine alone.

half of me is ready to
pounce devour destroy,
the other half resists, desiring to perch,
on the cusp of the having for eternity

the flesh
(I perch)
(I teeter)
(I fall)
into the ecstasy of the having,
loving, worshipping that first moment
when the desire, the dream
becomes the real, the mine
all all all mine

it and I
I and it,
at last are one.
destiny fulfilled.

~An ode to sliced bread
M. McCrea


Emily Anne said...

My name's Emily. I'm moving to Kosrae soon with WorldTeach. I hope to meet you soon! We are all coming in on the 15th of July, so see you then!
Also--any packing tips?


The Wandering Coloradoan said...

Hey there,

I'll actually be off-island when you guys get in (vacation); I'm sure I'll see you, though.

Packing tips? I'd say bring a rain jacket, skirts...Generally, in terms of clothes, less is more. Lots is available here.