Wednesday, December 26, 2007

an irreverent nocturnal reverie, in tribute to the unique phenomenon that is Kosrae Christmas. in verse.

'Twas the month before Christmas
And all throught the isle
Was nary a creature
Not sporting a smile.
The palm leaves were hung
With white lights galore
Giantplastic Santa guarded
The front of Senny's store.
As planeload on planeload
Of visitors arrived
--I'd ne'er seen the island
Quite so alive.

Then one magical, mystical tropical night,
I lay under my net
Watching mosquitos fight
When into my ears
There arrived such a sound
That I open'd my eyes,
Took a good look around.

At first, 'twas a hum
Like the buzzing of bees,
Maybe o'erzealous wind
In the coconut trees
But the buzz was increasing,
The wind had a beat,
I listen'd, discerned

Curiosity peaked, outside I crept
What ritual was happ'ning
Out there as I slept?
I followed that sound,
With all of my might,
Saw the church up ahead
All a-blaze with light.

Here was the birthplace, the source
Of the sound
Sung by all my neighbors
As they walked around!
I stood at the window
And watched them with glee--
They spelled "MXM,"
And then "H," and then "P"!

The flock ne'er tired in pursuit
Of their stars;
O'er the course of the night,
They travelled quite far.
Spellbound I stood,
I know not how long;
Bewitched by the stars,
Marching feet, and the song.
The crowd made a turn,
Crossed over the floor--
Oh! It looked like--
They were headed straight for the door!

I panicked, I freaked, tried utmost to hide...
But too late, alas,
They were already outside.
When what should I feel
Hitting me on the nose,
But a butterscotch sucker
And pack of Rolos?

The shower continued--
I took off my hat
In time to catch mints,
Gumdrops, and a Kit-Kat.
I understood not,
But that was okay--
It was the best Christmas ever
That day!

And, as I staggered off under
The weight of my haul,
I turned back around toward the crowd,
I recall.
And I shouted with joy,
Ere I journeyed on back:
"Merry Christmas to all,
nofon mwet Tafunsak!"

M. McCrea


Unknown said...

We loved your poem, but would like a footnote translating the last line.

Sounds like an amazing celebration.

Mom & Dad

Michelle said...

Hi just a Peace Corps applicant browsing the blogs! Yours is hilarious. I love how you take everything with a grain of salt. I appreciate your writings and definitely keep it up you never know who you will inspire! Thanks!


Sandy Kistler said...

We think of you so often and keep you in our prayers. Your mom and dad have kept us up on your life, including your amazing American Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas extravaganza. Loved the poem, and I also need a translation footnote for the final line.

Lynette took Flat Stanley to Paris and took a few pictures with him. But in her excitement she forgot him part of the time. :( She had a great time. :) Heather is actually in Antarctica as I write. Hopefully she and Flat Stanley met some Emperor Penguins and enjoyed other exciting adventures. We won't hear from her until she returns. Internet access on the ship is $5/minute! Yikes!

Your mom and I plan to have lunch together tomorrow (Jan. 15), so I'll hear more of your stories. Take care and enjoy your wonderful experiences.

Love, Sandy

snickersdog said...

SandyK. gave me your blog address, Megan. LOVED the Christmas poem! Sounds like an amazing location!
Ellie Bonicelli

The Wandering Coloradoan said...

"Merry Christmas to all, every person in Tafunsak."

The Wandering Coloradoan said...

Oh, and Michelle--
Glad to hear you enjoy the blog. Hang in there with the PC application process; it's loooong and arduous, but definitely worth it. :)